Justice for Carol: Stop lesbophobia in Brazil!

Carol Campelo, a 21-year-old lesbian, was brutally murdered in Maranhãozinho, a town in the Northeast of Brazil. Sign the petition to fight for justice.

Trigger Warning: This petition contains details of a violent hate crime against a lesbian individual, including graphic descriptions of murder and lesbophobia.

Lesbian organizations and individual lesbians in Brazil publicly express their outrage over the brutal murder of Ana Caroline Sousa Campelo (known as Carol Campelo), aged 21, which occurred on December 10, 2023.

Ana Caroline's facial skin, her scalp, eyes, and ears were removed, indicating she was tortured before her death. According to the Military Police, Carol was found dead in the Novo neighborhood, in Maranhãozinho, a town in the Brazilian state of Maranhão.

People close to Carol say she was an openly lesbian since 2019 and had recently moved to Maranhãozinho to live with her girlfriend.

Given the facts, it is important to highlight that Carol Campelo's murder is clearly a case of lesbophobia – death caused by hatred against lesbians – given the brutality of the incident. Her murder is the result of gender and sexual violence suffered by lesbians in Brazil, made invisible by political, media, and legal discourses.

We need to stop the violence and dehumanization of the LGBTIA+ community.

Sign the petition to fight for justice! #JusticaPorCarol #JusticeForCarol

0people have signed
Goal: 120,000

To the Brazilian Federal Government, the State Government of Maranhão, and the Municipal Government of Maranhãozinho:

The brutal murder of Carol Campelo is the result of hatred against lesbian women. We need to put an end to lesbophobia.

Therefore, we request the Brazilian Federal Government, the State Government of Maranhão, and the Municipal Government of Maranhãozinho to:

1) Prioritize and expedite the investigation of the murder of Ana Caroline Sousa Campelo, considering the gravity of the case;

2) Ensure legal and psychosocial support for the victim's girlfriend and direct family;

3) Create a national calendar for combating lesbicide (murders of lesbians) with adherence to the Luana Barbosa Bill;

4) Implement an Observatory Policy in each State for research, registration, and data production about the lesbian population in Brazil, in addition to the tally of violence and deaths that to this day are not classified as hate crimes;

5) Classify the crime of lesbicide, which, according to the Lesbicide Dossier, has increased by more than 200% in the last 3 years.

0people have signed
Goal: 120,000